Thursday, July 28, 2011

Taste-Test Survey

On Wednesday, I finally held the vegetable soybean taste-test survey! This was sort of the project that my internship has been leading up towards, and it was over in a matter of hours, which felt a little strange. We set up a little before noon at the Indian canteen on campus, and were there until about 2:00. There was a wonderful turn-out; people were enthusiastic and receptive to it. And towards the end, a class of school-girls on a field trip came in, and tried participated as well.

I had hoped to get 50 participants; we got about 80, of which 66 were usable. Since my focus is “Prospects for vegetable soybean in India and its market acceptance” I’m going to emphasize the data from the 60 Indian participants (the other 6 came from France, Vietnam, the U.S., Switzerland, Bangladesh and Japan). I worked on the analyses today and the early results seem to show what we expected; the basmati varieties did well in the taste ratings. I’m still working on seeing if there are any influences on preference based on age or gender.

I guess she didn't like it...


  1. What determined whether or not a participant was "usable?"

  2. Whether or not they filled out the personal information on the survey (age, gender, nationality) and used the proper rating system
